My mother, who is a retired school teacher, once said "I wish they would have known about ADHD when you were in school, because I'm sure that was why you had so many issues." ha! Well, they didn't and I'm not too sure I would have wanted to be on the medicine. I'm not sure if it's ADHD or just creativity plus the innate feeling that I should be doing something which I'm sure came from my maternal ancestors. I don't remember my mother ever sitting down. She, and her mother as well, always had to be doing something. Their homes were spotless, they served home-cooked dinners to their family promptly at the same time each night, and both of them held full-time jobs as teachers. My sisters and I have
inherited this gift....or possibly a curse?
It's hard to relax when you have the constant feeling that you are not productive if you just 'sit'. Add to that the fact that I have a
very creative mind and the fact that after sitting behind a computer in an office job for 25+ years means a lot of 'catching up' to do and there's simply no rest other than sleep, which is achieved only through medication and pure exhaustion of the mind and sometimes body. I am very thankful to God that I have been blessed with the gift of creativity and I now am able to use it as a career. I sometimes wish I would have started this career many years ago at a younger age. There are days that I tell myself - 'you're too old to have started this', but most days I am in a spirit of thankfulness. My latest project has been making paper flowers. Of course, I have 50 other projects going on as well! :)